There are numerous kinds of massages. If you ask what kind of massage are you getting, some would say I’m not sure probably a Swedish. Swedish massage and Deep Tissue massage are simply more popular, however, there are many other types of massage that individuals can receive from a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and they each have their own exceptional benefits. Below, is a list of what types of massages we offer and some of their benefits.
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
Benefits from Swedish Massages
Benefits from Swedish Massages
The primary goal of a Swedish massage is to relax the entire body. The therapist will loosen tight muscles and make clients feel more relaxed by using light pressure and friction. This method uses long strokes that return the blood to the heart. Swedish massages are beneficial because it has the ability to:
- Increase the level of oxygen in the blood
- Decrease muscle toxins
- Improve circulation and flexibility
- Ease muscle tension
- Decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which increases sugars in the bloodstream

30 Minutes - $30
30 Minutes - $30
Little time today? Have other appointments today, well that's okay because we understand your time is important. That's why we are offering a 30 Minute Massage just for you. Come and enjoy a relaxing and non-time-consuming message today.

60 Minutes - $60
60 Minutes - $60
Trying to figure out what to do with your next 60 minutes. Try our 60 Minute Massage and get a chance to relax your muscles with gentle strokes and rhythmic kneading.

90 Minutes - $90
90 Minutes - $90
Improve your physical and mental well-being with our skilled Massage Therapist in this Extended 90 Minutes Session. Get more of your body worked on and some extra attention focused on a specific pain or ache!
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
Benefits from Deep Tissue Massages
Benefits from Deep Tissue Massages
Using finger pressure and long stroking of deep layers, the therapist will massage where the muscles are tight and knotted. This method eases chronic aches and pain found in the neck, upper back, lower back, legs, and shoulders, if that is you, this is the massage for you. Deep Tissue massages are beneficial because it has the ability to:
- Break down scar tissue and eliminate “knots” in the body
- Improve circulation and limited range of motion
- Reduce inflammation of the muscles
- Help recover from injuries such as whiplash and falls
- Improve postural problems

30 Minutes - $60
30 Minutes - $60

60 Minutes - $90
60 Minutes - $90

90 Minutes - $135
90 Minutes - $135
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
Benefits from Medical Massages
Benefits from Medical Massages
This massage is for individuals that are suffering from discomfort and is in need of pain relief. This is especially true for most athletes that require proper treatment and service so that they can perform to the best of their abilities and prevent further injuries. Using long slow strokes of deep pressure, the therapist will massage where the muscles are tight and inflamed. This method eases chronic aches, pain found in the neck, upper back, lower back, legs, and shoulders, if that is you, this is the massage for you. Medical massages are beneficial because it has the ability to:
Quick workout recovery times
- Improve range of motion and flexibility
- Enhance overall performance
- Reduce muscle and joint pain caused by an athletic activity
- Promote tissue repair and muscle balance

15 Min- $40.00
15 Min- $40.00
30 Min- $80.00
30 Min- $80.00
45 Min-
45 Min-
60 Min-
60 Min-
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
All services are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by our massage therapist.
Our massages are used to manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, induce relaxation,
relieve nerve compression, improve digestion, increase flexibility, and/or treat other health care concerns.
Benefits from Lymphatic Massages
Benefits from Lymphatic Massages
Lymphatic massage is also referred to as lymphatic drainage. Using slow and circular hand movements and pressure, the massage therapist will move lymph fluid throughout the lymphatic system. It is most often used to decrease lymphedema, a condition in which swelling occurs when lymph fluid cannot flow normally. Lymphatic massage is beneficial because it has the ability to:
- Drains lymph fluid accumulated after breast cancer surgery.
- Helps to minimize scar formation.
- Reduces swelling and circulates the lymph fluid to relieve pain.
- Removes metabolic wastes, excess water, toxins, bacteria, large protein molecules, and foreign substances.
- Helps the body to heal more quickly from injuries, surgical trauma, and chronic conditions.

15 Min- $40.00
15 Min- $40.00
30 Min- $80.00
30 Min- $80.00
45 Min-
45 Min-
60 Min-
60 Min-